
Thursday 27 June 2013

Best Dressed for Less No. 8

Alexa Chung Style

Can't believe I haven't posted a BDFL since November! oopsieee! 
Anywho, the best dressed celebrities have been a bit lacklustre the last few times I've checked, and the only ones getting me excited are either Miranda Kerr or this lovely lady. It seems they can do no wrong! Although I'm still trying to work out what Alexa actually does apart from go to events in neat little outfits. Or is that all?
I love this outfit either way. The midi skirt is such an elegant way to dress up an outfit. The one I chose is obviously a lot less expensive than hers, as well as everything else. Although, if you can get a mulberry, that would be great. 
A denim shirt wasn't my first choice, but I think it kind of works with this look. And I love the pointed toe heels. I have a pair of pointed flats that I've started wearing a lot. And everyone should have a leather jacket in their closet in my opinion! 
So there you have it, I'll try not to leave it so long for the next Best Dressed for Less!

Saturday 22 June 2013

I love Giraffe

I often get compared to a giraffe, surprisingly because I'm 6ft tall, have a patch of giraffe-print like freckles and actually have a soft spot for them. I even got a giraffe pandora charm and a little silver giraffe for my 21st, which I love. So I decided to dedicate a post on all things fashion based on these lovely creatures. You may have spotted that its a popular print this season, mainly in Topshop, and although I've tried on almost everything to do with them, I haven't yet taken the plunge and bought something. But with Indonesia coming up I am definitely contemplating that tank top!

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Here are my Instagrams of the Week. Bit of a mixture for this one! 
Firstly, my mum bought some wacky flowers which are beaut so I took a snap. 
When it was sunny a while back I went to my bathe in my friends garden. 
I made the third picture a bit bigger so you could actually see it. I started using the 'No Crop' app which gets the whole picture onto Instagram which is handy, and used it for this coastal picture when I went for a cliff path walk. 
When I was at the Country Show last weekend helping my mum sell her lovely Bunting, they had an animal farm next door and this little bubba cow was inside, too cute!
I love a 'look I'm in the garden getting a tan' picture.
The selfie was for the BINTM 'selfie' stage of their competition of which you can read my post about it here. I had actually just been doing a shoot on the beach and therefore was in a selfie mood. 
I have been doing lots of my Davina work outs recently being unemployed (starting work at Next this week, thank god!) and therefore spend my morning doing a few sit ups, and I'm loving the effects! 
My newest nail design, cartoon nails, a woman saw them and said they were 'fab'. 
And lastly, a club photo from last weekend, wearing my new Topshop animal print top. 

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Smocks and Swings

Baggy dresses are creeping onto the New In pages of our e-comm faves, and I'm loving this style. Great for festivals and beachy days, super casual and very Ivy from 90210-esque. I've been eyeing one up from Missguided but it sold out in an instant, so I've been trawling around and found these, with a bit of outfit inspo to match. 
There is the usual oversized smock which has been popular in the past, but a new style called 'swing' is emerging, or am I just behind the times, again. They are like smock, the same loosey gooseness only with a cami top to really ooze summer.  I also love the endless accessories that can be worn, there is never too much or too little, and all very Boho. 
An easy way to achieve this look, buy a similar dress 3 sizes too big, slap on some turquoise, ruffle your hair, stick flowers in it, and plonk on some sandals. 
Boho - Sings and Smocks

Monday 17 June 2013

Man of Steel Premiere

Last week was all about Superman. 
The Hollywood and London Premieres were massive and luckily, the man of the hour Henry Cavill being from Jersey, we got our very own special Premiere. 
For anyone who has been to Jersey, you'll know that nothing happens here, ever. For those of you who haven't, it's the type of place where you'll find a gripping story about a potato on the front page of the evening news, so this was a big deal. 
Russell Crowe, Amy Adams and of course Henry came along to the local cinema, where the red carpet was laid and crowds of fans lined the rails to get autographs and pictures with the stars. 
It was a fun event and we got to meet Russell Crowe! Here are some pictures from the evening...


I was bored last Friday so did these nails, of which the only person that noticed was a small boy at the premiere. 

Amy Adams was such a beauty, but she has the weirdest signature I've ever seen. 

Cavill loving the attention. 

And the ridiculous smiles from meeting Russ, despite what people say, he was lovely! 

The film has already made millions and is a big hit in the box office, and guaranteed it will be on in our local news for years! Despite this, I did feel a pang of pride knowing a big star was from our tiny island, and I'm excited to watch the film.  

Thursday 13 June 2013

Lime Favourites

Lime Favourites

Lime has been creeping its way into the shops since it hit the latest fashion weeks, and as summer is really under way we are seeing more and more. Here are a few of my favourite lime picks from the high street.