
Wednesday 19 June 2013


Here are my Instagrams of the Week. Bit of a mixture for this one! 
Firstly, my mum bought some wacky flowers which are beaut so I took a snap. 
When it was sunny a while back I went to my bathe in my friends garden. 
I made the third picture a bit bigger so you could actually see it. I started using the 'No Crop' app which gets the whole picture onto Instagram which is handy, and used it for this coastal picture when I went for a cliff path walk. 
When I was at the Country Show last weekend helping my mum sell her lovely Bunting, they had an animal farm next door and this little bubba cow was inside, too cute!
I love a 'look I'm in the garden getting a tan' picture.
The selfie was for the BINTM 'selfie' stage of their competition of which you can read my post about it here. I had actually just been doing a shoot on the beach and therefore was in a selfie mood. 
I have been doing lots of my Davina work outs recently being unemployed (starting work at Next this week, thank god!) and therefore spend my morning doing a few sit ups, and I'm loving the effects! 
My newest nail design, cartoon nails, a woman saw them and said they were 'fab'. 
And lastly, a club photo from last weekend, wearing my new Topshop animal print top. 


  1. Nice mish-mosh! Cute nails! I followed you with GFC and Blog Lovin. Hope you can follow back!

    : signe
    : the daily savant :
    : the daily savant : Blog Lovin

    PS~ I have a giveaway going on now!

    1. thank you! great blog :) followed you back!


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