
Wednesday 26 December 2012

Twenty/Twenty Goals

For those of you who read my christmas wish list, you'll know this book was on it. 
My sister also saw the post and consequently bought me the book, of which I opened yesterday. 
I have already read it cover to cover, it's funny and scarily true. 
I thought it was just me going through these crazy thoughts and episodes, but was grateful to find out its common for girl's in their twenties. 
If your like me, who is 21 and feeling slightly lost and terrified at the prospect of new and frightening/exciting endeavours in the years to come, then this is a book for you. 
It may not help, but it will ease your mind knowing you're not alone. 

Nonetheless, being a deep thinker, I have been pondering the 20 goals I wish to achieve in my twenties. 
Knowing that plans change, not always by choice is besides the matter in this activity and is also in perfect sync with the new year's resolutions. 
Right now, this is what I want to do, this is what would make me happy, and this is how I envisage my future. 
And let's face it, a rough plan is still a plan. 

Twenty goals for the 20's

If you work your way clockwise, you will get an idea of the order and scale of each goal. Some I know will happen more than others, but a girl can dream. 
What are your future goals? 

India through Instagram

Here are a few Instagram snaps from my holiday to Goa. 
Everyday was an experience, some good, some not so good and some amazing. 
I wrote a diary of our time there, but will not bore you all with the details. 
But I will say that it was like stepping into another world. 
The culture, the people, the way of life was all a definite shock to the system, and I'm grateful to have witnessed it and see a little slice of a country so different to ours. 
I'm quite a travelled girl so it's always great to have another place ticked off. 

A few things we did in Goa - sunbathed, went to local markets, perfected our haggling skills, bought some beautiful local merchandise including spices, tibetan silver jewellery, elephant ornaments, a wall hanging (below), we rode and washed elephants, fed some monkeys and ate some great seafood. 

I hope these photos give an idea of the holiday. 

I am working on a full post about the trip, I will put the link on here when I'm done, so you have the option to read. 
On a final note, if you don't like curry, this isn't the place for you. 

Get some Zest

Merry Christmas guys! 
Part of running a blog is regularly posting, and being busy is not an excuse! However I've just got back from holiday and it's christmas, so I think I should be let off. 
Hope you all had a great day yesterday.
Now I'm back on the blogosphere radar, I have quite a few posts up my sleeve which I'm sure you'll all enjoy! 
The first is about Zest Magazine.

You might of heard of it, you might even read it. If so, you'll know what to expect, if not, keep reading.

I got a free ad-in of Zest in Cosmo. 
Being on holiday, and running out of things to read, I started to scan the pages whilst lounging by the pool.
Described as a health and lifestyle magazine didn't much appeal to me and being a student means I don't exercise much, I drink too much, and I like pretty much all junk food over an apple any day.
However, the magazine's articles were so insightful.
One of which was about headaches (I get them regularly) which gave me a few more clues as to the causes, with solutions I could try. 
I'm also changing my diet to cut out carbs more (to help with my skin) and there were some great dietary articles about this and recipes to try. 
Being young and care free often means we don't think about the consequences of drinking as much as we should. One article really made me think about how to improve my drinking habits. 
That's what a good magazine does, makes you stop, read and continue reading as well as think about the content (usually so you buy it again next week). 
There were also great exercise tips, how to survive the winter blues and beauty care as well. 
Pretty standard stuff for a health and lifestyle magazine. 
But after reading this, I feel motivated to get healthier and do more to feel better. 
With New Years coming around quickly (urgh) it is a great chance to throw yourself into it for 2013. 
Desperately trying not to sound like a fitness advert and say a 'new you'. 
I don't think I've kept a resolution for more than a month, but regular reads of Zest should keep up the fitness and health levels as well as tips for revealing your new and improved self for the summer. 
(gag at cheesy ending).

Saturday 8 December 2012

Mint Flamingo Wishlist

Mint Flamingo is a small accessories brand founded this year selling adorable jewellery. And the best part is the prices! If you like quirky and/or vintage this website is great or give them a visit at a vintage fair, just follow them on twitter for the latest on what they're up to! 
Below are my favourites from their collection, I love the sugar skull ring and the studded collar! 
The novelty earrings are the cutest things ever as well! 
Definitely going to have a shop on here when all my christmas shopping has been done! 

Mint Flamingo Wishlist

Friday 7 December 2012

Polyvore for IPhone Review

If you're a regular reader, you will know I like to do a spot of moodboarding on Polyvore. 
So I was uber excited to try out their new IPhone app. 
I'm going to India next week so I thought I would do a moodboard around that theme, with an outfit for the hot nights or day trips around the village. 

I have to say I thought the app was pretty average!
The way the products were displayed was the same, however you couldn't narrow down the search by price and colour on the web. 
I'm not sure about others, but mine kept freezing, so much so that I had to re-download it! 
Apart from that they'd pretty much thought of everything to suit the phone format, with resizing the items using touch. 

The only other thing was when uploaded, you can't post it anywhere else, there's no share button or anything, I think there was an option to do it whilst uploading, but not after, which meant I had to post this on blogger through the web. 

Despite the mishaps, I'm quite impressed I made this moodboard on my phone!
A handy little app when out and about! 
Try it yourself! 

India nights

Thursday 6 December 2012

NYE Outfit

Hi Guys, 
I just bought this very sparkly skirt from Missguided and thought it would be great for New Year's Eve. Might be a bit early to start thinking about it, but I'm sure you all are! 
Sparkles are always big around the holidays, something to do with festivities and parties I think. 
I put together a little outfit of what would I think would look great with this ensemble and here it is... 

NYE Outfit

I never ever wear heels, not that I dont want to, just being 6 foot tall is a bit of a hinderance! 
I loveee these peep toe ankle boots, they make it look a bit more wintery than just plain black heels. 
The long sleeved crop top is very 90's (which is very now) and covers up some skin, classiness and warmth preserved, as well as complimenting the peplum with a bit of midriff, but not too much! 
Some contrast nails would set off the colours a bit more, a chose this shimmery red because its a darker colour and the shimmer matches the skirts texture.
I'm also loving nude lipstick at the moment. I bought some from Boots today, got home and had left it in the shop! so sad. 
Smokey eyes would look great with the colours and perfect if you're going out. 
Light jewellery would top it off, but not too much as the skirt is already the statement piece. 
Finally a bit of bubbly and you're set for the New Year! 
This would also make a great Christmas party outfit.
I was going to save it for NYE but I know I'll be tempted to wear it next week for the end of term! 
Hope you like it!

Sunday 2 December 2012

XMAS jumpers!

Tomorrow is the first day I will whack out my christmas jumper in a year. 
I am a baggy jumper lover, especially the christmas ones! 
So here is a little mood board of my favies this year!
I definitely found that the men's were ten times better than the girls, so I've included a few.
So I might have to indulge! 

XMAS jumpers!