
Wednesday 26 December 2012

India through Instagram

Here are a few Instagram snaps from my holiday to Goa. 
Everyday was an experience, some good, some not so good and some amazing. 
I wrote a diary of our time there, but will not bore you all with the details. 
But I will say that it was like stepping into another world. 
The culture, the people, the way of life was all a definite shock to the system, and I'm grateful to have witnessed it and see a little slice of a country so different to ours. 
I'm quite a travelled girl so it's always great to have another place ticked off. 

A few things we did in Goa - sunbathed, went to local markets, perfected our haggling skills, bought some beautiful local merchandise including spices, tibetan silver jewellery, elephant ornaments, a wall hanging (below), we rode and washed elephants, fed some monkeys and ate some great seafood. 

I hope these photos give an idea of the holiday. 

I am working on a full post about the trip, I will put the link on here when I'm done, so you have the option to read. 
On a final note, if you don't like curry, this isn't the place for you. 

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