
Thursday 26 September 2013

Unconventionally 22

As you've probably guessed, my birthday is coming up, and sorry Taylor, but I really don't want to feel 22 (standard cringey pun). So in honour of not wanting to get older, I'm asking for some rather crazy things this year, just to spice it up and revert back to childish ways, which I don't find hard to do at the best of times. 
So this year I'm asking for some guitar picks (those things with the eyes), not specifically those ones, but I do like whacky ones. I used to have spongebob ones, but they disappeared. 
A couple of Camilla Morton's books. I watched her speak at London Fashion Weekend (post to come) and she was so lovely and funny and I left feeling inspired to write my own book, but I think I'll start by reading hers. 
Some smelly candles. I don't have many candles, or many nice smelly things in my room, so I thought I'd combine the two. 
A new iPhone case. Not that crazy, but the one above definitely is! I saw it on the internet, and then in Topshop on Oxford Street and I love it! 
Some anti wrinkle cream, because I've ran out. Not crazy, just a necessity when getting older. 
And finally a minion. Just because. Or a rubber duck to add to my growing collection.

I would love these gifts, almost as much as that girl above loves balloons. Almost. She seems to really like them. 

Monday 16 September 2013

Indonesia In Pictures

I wanted to do a quick post about my amazing trip to Indonesia.
I really hope the pictures give some idea of what its like there. 
After a bit of trouble with the friends I went with, I went off on my own, met some great people and had such a fantastic time. By the end, I didn't want to leave.
I would now recommend travelling to anyone, there is no better way to really experience a place than when you're with travellers like yourself, visiting new places, exploring and enjoying the culture.
We started off in Kuta, Bali. This had to be the craziest place I've been. Scooters, cars and people fill the tiny roads of Poppies, a complex packed with shops, bars, hostels and restaurants, as well as young people from everywhere you can imagine. Kuta beach is close by, and the nightlife is everywhere, so if you like chilling by day and partying by night, this is for you. I think a week there was enough for me, the hectic streets and constant crowds got to me, so we organised a day trip around Bali. We visited Ubud, the main cultural place, where there were temples and monkey forrest. Soon after, we all went to Gilli T, a small island of paradise just a short boat ride away. No cars, no scooters, just beaches, bikes and horses. It was so chilled out here, and so beautiful. There were only two main bars which became packed each night. The snorkelling was amazing, and we cycled round the island. Chilling by the beach all day, then listening to the live music in the reggae bar with a few cocktails at night was the usual routine. 
We headed back to Kuta for a couple more nights out before I had to leave. 
I would definitely go back, or at least stop over on my travels through the rest of Asia. 
Fun, new experiences mixed with rich culture and stunning places just make this place a great place for any traveller. 

Wednesday 11 September 2013


I am going to do a separate post about my trip to Indonesia, but I've still got loads of Instagram photos over the last few weeks to update you all on! The first is of a new outfit I bought after my very long trip back to blighty, I love the giraffe print top and I was dying for some new jeans (both Topshop). The tan loafers were an absolute find in Primark at just £12! 
The next is a roast I was served in the hotel I was staying at. My first proper english meal in 3 weeks, it couldn't have tasted better! 
My nails for my holiday. These falsies had lasted since my graduation which was about 3 weeks prior! I used my new matte top coat to finish off the design.
The next few are from my trip to Cayman in July, the mug was at my aunties house (where we stayed before our flight). She has loads of them with sayings on but I somehow always end up with this one! love it! 
As I was eating my cereal that morning, one of her cats stared at me the entire time. I gave in and gave her a cheerio, or two. 
Just one of the amazing sunsets we experience out in Cayman, they definitely rival that of my hometown in Jersey! 
Me and my sister went out a few times while we were there, and considering most of the tourists and residents there are American, we got native and played some beer pong! Turns out we were doing it wrong.
The next photo has to be the most spectacular photo of a sunset I've taken so far, with a bit of editing I must admit, but still pretty amazing! Every time I show someone, their reaction is "wowww". 
Blackbeard's vodka, the stuff of pirates and rather lethal at that. 
This lizard was a friend of ours, he hung out by the pool every day and we called him Yoshi. He even jumped in and came swimming with us once. 
I love this key ring I bought out there. The whole ethos of the island just seems to be this saying. Its so chilled out and everyone is always happy, I bought this to remind myself to be the same! 
And finally, my little sister went to Turkey shortly after Cayman, I've been before and therefore know all about the fake goods they import there. I asked for a Mulberry purse and this is what she got me, its so beautiful I almost can't believe its not real!

Best Dressed for Less No.9

The Court

I decided to kick off my 'back to blogging' saga with a new Best Dressed for Less, because not only have I not posted one in a while, but with all the excitement of fashion weeks happening, there are a host of juicy best dressed celebrities to choose from. I haven't focused specifically on one muse this time, as I noticed amongst basically EVERY celebrity that each were wearing court shoes. I have never seen this before, in all of my 8 best dressed for, meaning this trend is a bigg'un, its huge, and it can be worn a million and one different ways. This is even greater news for all you tall folk out there like myself, as the court doesn't pack much platform, and has a relatively low heel, depending on which you pick, and can be placed with any outfit and bought on the cheap! Aces all round! 
So I made two outfits, one casual, one dressy. One inspired by Olivia Palermo walking her pooch there, and the other is just something I liked. I love the pop of colour that these courts can bring, and the jumpsuit could be mixed with some bright pumps but I just loved the mesh on the black ones!

So if you're hitting any fashion events for this coming season (like coming soon to explain) make sure you're strutting around in a pair of these, you literally have no excuse not to (unless you hate them, of course).