
Friday 26 October 2012

My New Mulberry Del Rey

Yes, here she is! Anyone who knows me, knows that this is the most ultimate gift anyone could buy me.
Reflecting on the last post, my Dad left the greatest present till last, and I'm not ashamed to say I cried!
Now, I'm not someone who gets given bags worth £800 everyday, so I'm going to bore you all with pictures of every little detail of this gorgeous leather specimen! 

A few weeks ago, my sister discreetly asked me which mulberry bag was my favourite, and which colour I liked best. Naturally I replied, the Del Rey in Oxblood (they call is Black Forrest). Its amazing they managed to get the right one really! 

I spent a good 15 minutes inspecting her, even the bag!

I have only taken her out of the house (or even bag for that matter) twice so far. If anyone comes near it  I immediately whip her away from them, which means I end up doing a crazy dance in crowded areas. But hopefully I'll get a snap of me out with her soon!
She also came with lots of other little mulberry goodies including this little mulberry monster, some stickers, and a card thanking me for the purchase!

Anyone who said luxury wear is all about the experience is (in my opinion) wrong, if you love the brand, you'll love the products enough to appreciate them without going into the store, although I understand the satisfaction one must feel!

I know its sad getting excited about everything to do with this, but like I said I love mulberry! Even if it is going slightly down the toilet in the business world...
I have never been more grateful for anything to feed my materialistic, high maintenance, fashion crazy mind! 
This bag will never go out of style in my eyes. 

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