
Thursday 6 September 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Its my first post of September, and what a start to the month!
A massive thank you to Cherry Fashion for this nomination! It's my second blog award nomination and it always mean a lot to know people actually still read my blog, and actually like it! 
       The liebster blog award is an award for blogs with less than 200 followers which is great to get nominees posts noticed and appreciated by fellow bloggers.

Ok, so, for all blog nominations there are a few rules:
-Thank the person who nominated you

- Each person must post eleven things about themselves.
- Answer the eleven questions the tagger has set for you.
- Choose eleven people and tag them in this post.
- Follow the tagger and visit at least three nominees.

I wonder who chose the number 11 for this award?! 

11 Things about myself:

1) I'm in the middle of reading Fifty Shades Darker, and cant stop!
2) I used to have 7 dogs, 6 guinea pigs, a rabbit, a hamster, and cats. Basically a farm.
3) I work for a small promotions agency at home.
4) I wear contact lenses, and have a habit of leaving them on the floor.
5) I once hugged Ben Howard in a club. Claim to fame!
6) I am always bored, but too lazy to do anything about it.
7) I'm going to take full advantage of the stud trend this season, love it!
8) I'm contemplating cutting off my hair for 21st birthday.
9) I love Aussie Shampoo.
10) I always want to learn to play my favourite songs on my old guitar, but never have the patience!
11) I hope this University year doesn't stop me blogging, so much work!

The 11 Questions from Nia:

What inspired you to start and what inspires you to keep blogging?
I started as part of my fashion course, and I continue because not only do I love doing it but it keeps me in the fashion loop in my own chosen way!

What is your most prized possession? 
At the moment, my new Zara leather jacket which was a present from my mum, post to come!

If you could travel, where would you go? 
Probably back in time, I would definitely change a few things, but I guess we cant have regrets.

How would you wear your hair on most days?
My hair is wavy/curly, and long, so I leave it wet put mouse on it, scrunch it and let it dry naturally.

What is your favourite blog post to read?
I think we all love a bit of Tavi of Style Rookie. 

What beauty products can't you go without?
Mascara, I have long eyelashes and I'm guilty of piling it on.
Carmex cherry, for the chapped lips. 

What colour are you nails at the moment? 
They are lilac and mint with dots and little flowers, I blogged about them on my neighbouring blog, Stray Nails.

Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
Hopefully have travelled around a bit, completed an internship/placement, starting my career in a fashion/costume company and thinking about starting my own business!

What is your go to items in your closet?
At the moment, my faux leather Topshop leggings with my sleeveless coloured chiffon top. Great for any occasion and most weather!

If you could choose 1 lipstick colour what would it be? 
Deep red. I got given one in a goody bag from mulberry, its from the kate moss collection and its amazing.

What social media sites do you use? 
I use pretty much all of them! But the ones I use the most are Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Its hard not to with them all at your fingertips on the old iphone.

The 11 people I would like to nominate are: 

Tastes Like Gold

All This Fashion

Avant Mode

Beauty, Books and Fairy Dust

Bel Et Bien

Cinderella Rockefella

Emma May Louise

Empty Rack


Fashion Analytics

Young Eyes of Fashion

And my 11 questions for you lovely bloggers are:

How did you come up with the name of your blog?

What is your daily skin routine?

Do you have any pets?

What is your favourite type of post to do?

Who is your fashion icon?

What is your best holiday memory?

If you could work for a designer, which one would it be?

Where do you see yourself in the future?

Roughly how many pairs of shoes do you own?

Twitter or Pinterest?

The best magazine is...?

Well done to all the nominees! hopefully this will get you a few more followers :) 


Any comment is greatly appreciated. If you leave your blog link I'll be sure to stop by, thanks guys!